TNT Elite All Stars Coaches Guide

Welcome to TNT Elite All Stars! We are so excited to have you join our staff this season.


  1. Please make sure you have completed the W-4 and Direct Deposit paperwork.
  2. Confirm your best email to Program Director at 
  3. Receive  your email and confirm it works
  4. Download the iClass Staff Portal app and confirm your login works
  5. Download the BAND app and request access to your teams BAND.
  6. Download SLACK and confirm access to the TNT Elite All Star Slack.

Clock In/Clock Out:

You MUST remember to clock in on the app for your scheduled hours in order to get paid. Failure to do so will mean you do not get paid for those hours. You MUST remember to clock out at your scheduled end time. If you fail to do so please contact Dawn at Please limit this to the rare occasion. It takes time out of Dawn’s day to adjust it and cannot be a regular occurrence. 


Payment is an hourly rate. Coaches are paid for the hours they are on the weekly schedule to coach. Time earlier or later than the scheduled hours are not paid time. Please remember to clock in and out accordingly. 

Competitions & Events:

Competitions, stunt camp, showcases, and any weekend choreography days are paid at a flat rate not an hourly rate. Please do not clock in but confirm attendance with the Program Director. Flat rate pay is paid out twice per year at the end of the calendar year and at the end of the season.

Only the coaches of the teams that are participating are paid for the time. If your team is not participating you are invited but not required to attend and therefore not paid for the time spent. It is a flat rate regardless of how much time is spent.

For local overnight 2 day competitions accommodations for staff needed to attend will be provided. Please confirm if you will be attending so proper accommodations can be provided.

For any travel competitions beyond the local Tri- State competitions only the Director and Head Coach of the team is required to attend and travel expenses are compensated. Any additional coaches or staff are to pay their own travel expenses.

Promotional events/Fundraising/Team Bonding:

For any additional events outside of the events listed above it is unpaid. Staff is encouraged to attend but not required. 

Missing Practice/Vacations/Lateness:

In the event you have a conflict, will miss, or be late to practice you must let the Program Director know ASAP so coverage can be confirmed. If it is an emergency or day of, please let the Program Director know by 3 pm if possible. Please let the other coach of your team know as well.

Both coaches of each team cannot be out at the same time or else there will be a risk of not having enough coverage for practice. If you are planning travel/vacations that will miss practice or events please let Becca know as soon as possible to evaluate a coverage plan. If the other coach of the team is also out please coordinate with a coach to cover your team’s practice. Teams CANNOT be left without efficient coaching. All coaches should be prepared and willing to cover team tumbling if needed. Please check the Google Calendar to see who has already submitted time off.

Please avoid travel and missing practices from January- end of April. It is peak competition season and we need commitment to coaching our teams to success. If it cannot be avoided please let the Program Director know ASAP to review any potential challenges or conflicts.

Coaches are expected to be at every scheduled practice and cannot be consistently missing practices. In the event a coach cannot commit to consistently being present at practice other arrangements may need to be made in order to provide consistent coaching to the teams at TNT Elite All Stars.

Team Expectations:

TNT Elite All Stars coaches are to coach each athlete and team to reach their absolute highest ability. Each athlete at TNT Elite All Stars regardless of experience, skill level, age, or natural ability is to be coached to success. There is no athlete that does not have the potential to gain skills and improve and it is our sole purpose to help them achieve their goals even if it may be more challenging or take longer than another athlete. Our primary job is to create winning teams, winning athletes, and a winning program with a winning attitude.

If there is an issue with an athlete or athletes on your team please try to manage it and diffuse the situation as soon as possible. If parent contact is needed please discuss with the Program Director to create next steps. We do not discuss coaching decisions with parents. We will discuss what led to a decision as well as what an athlete can work on.

Coaches have the flexibility and control to run their teams how they see fit. Choreography should not be changed unless it is confirmed the elite level skills remain. Program Director owns the final decision to any decisions as well as reserves the right to make any changes necessary for the success of the team or program. Any athlete team changes must be approved by the Program Directory.

Practices must run efficiently and effectively at all times. Athletes are to be consistently working and developing skills for the full duration of their practice times. Athletes should not be sitting or left unattended for longer than 10 minutes. Staff must have control of the room so there is limited chaos and athletes are under control and disciplined. Please stick to the schedule and know which floor you are to be on and when. If you are to adjust please make it clear to all staff members.

 Flyers do not hit the floor, no excuses. If skills are not being practiced safely, we will revert back to fundamentals in order to ensure safety of skills and athletes. Athletes are to perfect their competitive level skills and can move on once deemed appropriate by a coach.

Athletes will surrender their phones at the beginning of practice and will bring their belongings into the cheer room. Athletes are not to leave belongings in the lobby. Athletes will bring their water bottles with them as they move throughout the gym. Athletes are not to leave practice for any reason if not approved by their coach.